What is the Famous Amos Ingredients for Success Entrepreneurs Initiative?
The 2024 Ingredients for Success Entrepreneurs Initiative is a national award program hosted by Famous Amos and its community partner, the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. IFS aims to provide Black-identifying startup/early-stage business owners with the tools and resources that lead to long-term success. As of 2024, Ingredients for Success is in its fourth year. Each year, or cycle, presents three business owners with a $50,000 capital award as well as resources and mentorship services from the program’s community partner.

Who can apply for Ingredients for Success?
To be eligible for the Ingredients for Success Entrepreneurs Initiative, businesses must be (1) at minimum 90% Black-owned; (2) in business for five years or less as of 2024; and (3)headquartered in the United States (excluding Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other Commonwealths, Territories, and Possessions). Businesses must be owned by owners at least21 years old at time of submission. Franchise and non-profit businesses are not eligible. Please visit the Official Rules for all eligibility requirements.

What are the required to apply?
Applicants must submit several pieces of information and items including contact information, a tax ID number for the business, a business overview, social media page information, and a pitch video between 90-120 seconds. Note that this is an incomplete list, so please refer to the Official Rules for a comprehensive list of the items required to apply.

What kind of pitch video do I need?
The pitch video is an essential component of the Ingredients for Success application. Applications will be judged on the creativity and persuasion (sales pitch) of the eligible applicant’s 90-120 second pitch video and the content and business rationale on how the award will be used.

Can businesses outside of the United States apply?
No. This award is only for eligible businesses in the United States (excluding Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other Commonwealths, Territories, and Possessions).

What are the awards of the Ingredients for Success Entrepreneurs Initiative?
Ingredients for Success awards include a $50,000 capital award from Famous Amos and a suite of mentorship tools and resources from the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. that advance entrepreneurial strategies and know-how. Awardees also receive both nationwide and local publicity.

How do I apply for the award?
You can apply for the award on the Ingredients for Success website.

How do I know if I've been selected?
The application period ends at 11:59 p.m. on August 4, 2024. Ten finalists will be announced on the Ingredients for Success website and via Famous Amos social media posts. The three winning entrepreneurs will be announced in late September 2024.
